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1 Resultado de traducción para to mellow en español


mellow verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
mellowed, has mellowed, is mellowing, mellows
suavizar, endulzar; suavizarse, endulzarse

Ejemplos de uso de
mellow verb

  • She was a tough and demanding teacher, but she has mellowed in her old age.
  • The wine needs time to mellow.
  • She was a tough and demanding teacher, but old age has mellowed her.

Sinónimos de
mellow verb

Sinónimos detallados para mellow verb

Ver: Mature

Traducción inversa para to mellow

suavizar  - to soften, to smooth out, to tone down 
endulzar  - to sweeten, to soften, to mellow 
suavizarse  - to soften 
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